Shree Om Baba Ji

Social Education and Welfare Trust (Regd.)


Poor children doing hard child labor to enable their families' survival get the chance of attending school by the help of Shree Om Baba Ji (Regd.) In a lot of cases the parents are illiterates and have no means or possibility of sending their children to school. Furthermore, children don't go to school because they have always coped without school education.

Sometimes the parents are heavily in debt since several generations. Owing to they are not able to read the text of the contracts which are incomprehensible or not familiar.

Our helping team works solicitous to make understand the families about today's importance of reading and writing. Nowadays, even without the knowledge of the English language it is hard to gain a foothold in the job world. Carefully, our team tries to sensitize the parents for their children's school education.

When the children can learn to read and write, the illiteracy can be prevented. They can help their families in case of routine affairs step by step and they are able to support their families in earning a living.

When Shree Om Baba Ji (Regd.) choose children, they carefully pay attention to the attending social environment, and if there is need the school fees, material costs and all is needed are taken on.
Currently, 250 students are attending school with a great vigor regularly and more than 3.527 adolescents are delighted about a successful graduation.

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For a number of years the main focus of help from Shree Om Baba Ji (Regd.) has been on education of poor and needy children. Certainly, the especially delicate cases will be unchanged supported. For some years now the government of India promotes school education. Therefore, Shree Om Baba Ji (Regd.) is investing more in projects such as tailoring schools and financial help in case of serious disease cases.

The love of a mother doesn't share between the children it multiplies.

(Christian F.D. Schubart)